SalDoce Fine Foods

Supported by FIAL, SalDoce Fine Foods are focussing their efforts on allergen sensitive individuals by expanding their exporting portfolio and generating connections all around the world.
Cristina and Martin Talacko founded SalDoce Fine Foods in 2000, beginning their journey manufacturing and selling savoury gluten-free cheese puffs to fulfil a market gap surrounding gluten allergies. The company focused on generating brand awareness to sustain long-term growth. Driven by industry demand, SalDoce Fine Foods quickly evolved, producing a range of allergen sensitive baking mixes under the YesYouCan brand. These allergen sensitive baking mixes, such as dairy-free and egg-free, began drawing attention from international markets. Business goals swiftly changed from awareness to increasing exporting capabilities.
Exporting into new markets is incredibly costly from the point of meeting, presenting products and maintaining connections. SalDoce Fine Foods wanted to source new customers and export opportunities in international markets whilst maintaining its current network.
SalDoce Fine Foods came across the Food and Agribusiness Growth Centre, trading as FIAL, at an international food show in Hong Kong in 2015. Managing Director, Martin Talacko, recognised FIAL’s stand presence in the show and the associated elevated exposure participating businesses experienced. Following this, SalDoce Fine Foods decided to take the next step and successfully applied to showcase their product offerings as part of a FIAL stand at multiple international trade shows including Gulfood in the Middle East, Food Hotel Asia in Singapore, and Food Hotel China. Trade Shows provide businesses with logistical and financial support to showcase their products in international markets. “FIAL provides a great platform to participate in trade shows. Normally they aren’t affordable, so attending with FIAL not only makes it more affordable, but it generates a better presence from an Australian perspective than if you were at a stand by yourself,” said Martin.
SalDoce Fine Foods also participated in two FIAL-led Virtual Meet the Buyer events with interested prospective buyers from China and the Gulf region. The Virtual Meet the Buyer events provide export-ready Australian food and agribusinesses with the opportunity to secure a one-to-one virtual meeting with interested buyers in key markets around the globe.
SalDoce Fine Foods is now exporting to 20 countries, receiving the NSW Export Award in 2016 and 2018 for its efforts. The company is observing steady growth, even in the face of logistical challenges COVID-19 has brought to the industry.
Participating in trade shows has given SalDoce Fine Foods an avenue to show its continual commitment to regions and reach new customers and long-term exporting partners. Several new exporting deals were secured across all six events, expanding SalDoce Fine Foods exporting portfolio.
Virtual Meet the Buyer events, run by FIAL, gave SalDoce a great avenue to meet new potential customers and discuss its products. “We secured a new exporting deal with an online retailer in the Gulf event and have successfully started doing business,” said Martin Talacko. “FIAL’s Virtual Meet the Buyer events allowed us to meet new customers, reconnect with existing customers and introduce our brand and product range to new markets cost-effectively.”
SalDoce Fine Foods is continually reaching new customers, innovating products and generating a profitable income. The company is continuously working on securing new online international export opportunities and distributors to expand its reach.
Case study developed by Amber Keep - Food & Agribusiness and Marketing Student at the University of Sydney