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Funding Update 

FIAL Grant programs are now fully allocated and closed for further applications. If you are looking for connections to funding for other research focuses, we suggest connecting to these other agencies:

AMGC Commercialisation Fund

The Federal Government has announced a new Commercialisation Fund for Australian manufacturers. The $30 million Commercialisation Fund will offer grants ranging from $100,000 and $1 million and will be matched by industry. 


Supported by all Australian Universities this program provides grants up to $22K for industry challenges across all sectors. Food and Agriculture applicants will receive a $4,000 offset a successful application.

CSIRO Kick-Start

CSIRO Kick-Start provides matched funding for start-ups and small to medium enterprises to help access CSIRO's research expertise and capabilities to help grow your business.

Additional Funding

Full list of grants, funding and support programs from across government, click here 

Matched Funding Case Studies

When businesses and researchers work together, the results are innovative and market-led. Watch some of the below case studies to see how challenges and have been turned into solutions and opportunities.

ProPortion Foods recently partnered with FIAL and CSIRO to develop a novel protein ingredient that effectively maintained muscle mass and muscle strength in older adults.

“Without this funding, we wouldn’t have been able to move forward” said Kevin Beaman, CEO of ProPortion Foods.

By partnering with FIAL through the Enterprise Solution Centre, Clextral "were able to make a soluble coffee powder that tastes as good as freshly roasted coffee beans". 

They have since partnered with Flavourtech to get their product to market.

FIAL's funding through the Enterprise Solution Centre helped Community Chef develop products that provide the nutritional requirements for those in need. 

Without the assistance of FIAL we wouldn't be able to make these advancements that benefit our business, and advance the local community" .

The Queen of Pops concept store in Brisbane started from an idea to deliver a caffeine hit to customers in a different way. Penny and Peter Wolff, owners of Queen of Pops and Wolff Coffee Roasters, serve their locally roasted coffee in coffee inspired ice-cream popsicles.

Penny and Peter said they wouldn't have the coffee popsicles if they had not worked with food technologists and FIAL. " We've gained all that knowledge through FIAL that we would have had to seek out ourselves in a much lengthier process," Penny said.

Humpty Doo Barramundi, located in remote Northern Territory, is a family business producing premium barramundi. The FIAL-sponsored Enterprise Solution Centre helped Humpty Doo work with the research division of Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF Queensland) to deliver a technical solution that Humpty Doo was unable to solve themselves.

"Through FIAL funding] we had direct communications with the people actually doing the research! It was transparent and open," Bob said.

FIAL Funding Recipients

2021Business(es)Project Funding Amount Sector Priority
OctoberCape Byron Distillery Creation of waste liquid from distillery recycling plan$50,000Enhanced Production and Value Addition, Food Security and Sustainability
Funding AmountSector Priority
JuneKeg Swappa and 7th Day BrewerySustainable packaging for home consumption beer and cider products$32,000The Future Consumer, A global Marketplace
Wine to Water / Little RipplesTreat grapes tainted by smoke to create novel wines$25,000
The Future Consumer
The Lupin CoInnovation in lupin hull milling technologies
$25,000A global Marketplace
MayStumpys Gateway RoadhouseManufacture of innovative, healthy, fun and convenient packaged dry food mixes from local favourites$25,000The Future Consumer
Southern Cross Agricultural ExportsSustainable Home Brew kits for retail and online$25,000 The Future Consumer
Sea Health ProductsSeaweed salad using Australian kelp$25,000The Future Consumer
QcamelSkincare products from camel milk and Australian natives$25,000Enhanced Production and Value Addition
Piccolo FarmFreeze dried range of edible flowers, garnishes and herbs hospitality and cake decorating industry.$25,000The Future Consumer
Northern Australia Agrifoods Robotic controlled release mechanism in animal processing$25,000
Food Security and Sustainability, A Global Marketplace
MayMacro Investments Pty LtdChemical testing apparatus for heavy metals in bones of game animals$25,000Food Security and Sustainability, A Global Marketplace
M&D KotvojsCulinary tourism experiences available across the Bega Valley and Eurobodalla Shires$25,000The Future Consumer
Lotus and MingDevelopment of vegetarian foodservice offerings$25,000The Future Consumer
Land of Plenty Category SolutionsProduction on the production of home and food grade cleaning products$25,000Enhanced Production and Value Addition
KAR ManagementWhole-of-life-cycle Native Oyster (Ostrea Angasi) Production Methodology and System
$25,000Food Security and Sustainability
Kangaroo Island OlivesNovel detection system for pits in olives
$25,000Enhanced Production and Value Addition
Kangaroo Island Garlic FarmerDevelop new garlic products for retail$25,000The Future Consumer
Jim’s JerkyNew snacking product for Australian retail market$25,000The Future Consumer
Coco LuxeDevelop flavours for Northern European expansion$25,000A Global Marketplace
MayCassegrain Wines Pty LtdProduce and bottle non-alcoholic sparkling grape juice$25,000Food Security and Sustainability
MayAvagrow FarmsProtective cropping conditions for Snow peas$25,000Enhanced Production and Value Addition
MayAshgrove CheeseProduce a retail family size cheddar cheese
$25,000Enhanced Production and Value Addition
Radicle Seeds and Network GrainsDevelopment of new sorghum for Asia
$600,000Food Security and Sustainability, A Global Marketplace
MayMars Foods AustraliaSustainable Packaging for single use Sauces$100,000Food Security and Sustainability
AprilAustralia Bay Lobster CorporationDevelopment of Crustacean Feeds for farmed animals$100,000Food Security and Sustainability
AprilArtisan Egg CompanyDevelopment of energy efficient egg smoking technologies$100,000Enhanced Production and Value Addition
MarchCentral Coast Industry ConnectDevelopment and application of water treatment technologies$32,000Enhanced Production and Value Addition, Food Security and Sustainability
MarchProteco Oils and MMIDevelopment of food waste oil extraction technologies
$1,500,000Enhanced Production and Value Addition, Food Security and Sustainability - Food Waste Reduction, A Global Marketplace
Long Fresh Foods Development of new processing techniques for dysphagia food products $70,000The Future Consumer
NLE Education and training program from a native honey industry in WA
$50,000.00Food Security and Sustainability, A Global Marketplace
FebruaryNatural Evolutions, Mt Garnett Grazing, Mt Uncle Grazing Development of food waste utilisation collective for FNQ $2,000,000.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition, Food Security and Sustainability - Food Waste Reduction, A Global Marketplace
JanuaryQUBEMapping Women's Career pathways into Supply Chains within the Food and Wider Industries of Australia
$40,000.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition
Rainbow Egg CompanyDevelopment of egg based healthy snack foods$50,000.00
The Future Consumer
Patties FoodsDevelopment of environmentally friendly packing and waste$10,000.00Food Security and Sustainability
JanuarySubway MeatsDevelopment of energy efficient method for measuring specifications of meat products$2,500.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition, Food Security and Sustainability
Funding AmountSector Priority
Dairy AustraliaExpansion of the Technology Assessment Fund for dairy producers$180,000.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition
Algae Seaweed
Development of Seaweed based snack foods
The Future Consumer
Cape Byron Distillery
Creation of energy efficient cooling systems for climatic control of distillery
$100,000.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition, Food Security and Sustainability
Energy efficient technology development for creation of resistant starch$65,000.00Energy efficient technology development for creation of resistant starch
Signature SaucesTechnology scale up of boutique sauces range$40,000.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition
Sweet Potatoes Australia
Development of specialised packaging for Sweet potatoes$13,000.00Food Security and Sustainability
Review the challenges for women within Food industry and the wider supply chain
$80,000.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition
Vow Foods  Development of new Textural Properties of products$100,000.00The Future Consumer
NutrifieldDevelopment of advanced agricultural crop growth products$16,000.00
Enhanced Production and Value Addition
Mayfield Global
Development of low sugar natural beverages$50,000.00The Future Consumer
Bioproton and Sun PorkCreation of alternatives to antibiotics in stock feeds$100,000.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition
OctoberDairy Free Down Under and Ceres Pty Ltd.
Development of Novel Vegan Cheeses$223,931.00
The Future Consumer
Mars Foods Australia and Central Coast Industry Connect
Seeds of Change Accelerator$486,000.00The Future Consumer
The Smoked Egg CompanyBiological activity testing
$16,000.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition
Huon AquacultureAdvanced aquaculture techniques
$100,000.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition
Harry Hoo Pty LtdLow sodium Asian food products$25,000.00The Future Consumer/ Sodium Reduction
Partner Foods Pty Ltd, Bean Growers Australia LtdDevelopment of indulgent pulse base confectionary.$470,674.00The Future Consumer
M.A.D. Cullinan Pty Ltd
New technology for the manufacture of popcorn.$275,000.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition
JuneKeenwah Pty LtdLong shelflife processing of childrens meals$100,000.00Reduce Food Waste and Loss
Ozganics Pty LtdChina Focused Children's Foods for exports$19,712.50A Global Marketplace
Gekko, Enwave, Booth Transport, Trigg Farm Unit trust, Meredith Dairy Pty Ltd
Development of Multi stage Biodigestor for food and agribusiness waste inputs.$900,000.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition
Ricegrowers Limited
Protein from Rice Recovery$100,000.00The Future Consumer/ Sodium Reduction
MarchPartner Foods Pty Ltd
Low Sodium Pulse Snacks$25,000.00The Future Consumer/ Sodium Reduction
MarchKeenwah Pty LtdLow Sodium Children's meal products $25,000.00The Future Consumer/ Sodium Reduction
Nutrifield Pty LtdNew Biopepside for Agricultural Pathogens$8,060.00
Enhanced Production and Value Addition
The Australian Wine Research Institute
New packaging for wine export$100,000.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition
Boundary Bend Olives Pty LtdNew Fibres from olive waste$23,100.00Reduce Food Waste and Loss
Okdokey Pty LtdSalt reduction School canteen meals$25,000.00The Future Consumer/ Sodium Reduction
Funding AmountSector Priority
NovemberSavio Health Innovation Pty LtdNew Foods from Apple rejects$100,000.00Reduce Food Waste and Loss
OctoberCooee Cuisine Pty LtdDevelop range of low sodium meal solutions$12,500.00The Future Consumer/ Sodium Reduction
AugustSunfresh Marketing Co OpExtend shelf life and utilise waste from Avocado processing$67,803.00Reduce Food Waste and Loss
JulyCollaboration between: Mainstream Aquaculture, Helmaqua Pty Ltd, Humpty Doo Barramundi & Australian Barramundi Farmers AssociationFurther improve the quality of Australian Barramundi product and methods to ensure world’s best practise$1,814,500.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition
JulyOffally Good FoodExtend shelf life of Organic Pates$7,500.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition
FebruaryCheesecellar Pty LtdDevelop of Raw Cheese manufacturing standard$34,000.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition
Funding AmountSector Priority
OctoberCollaboration between: Logio Group, University of Sydney, Next Instruments, Glycemic Index Foundation, Ricegrowers Ltd, Verspan AG & NSW Department of Primary IndustriesDevelop a tool for rapid testing of foods and ingredients for positive nutritional benefits.$127,500.00The Future Consumer
Austrgrains Pty LtdIdentify new strains of wheat for export markets$17,000.00A Global Marketplace
Meals on Wheels QLDDevelop a functional food for elderly populations$50,000.00The Future Consumer
MayCollaboration between: Australian Alliance for Energy Productivity & WoolworthsDevelop system to optimise the application of refrigeration to maintain quality and freshness in energy efficient manner.$41,000.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition
Immuron LimitedDevelop function ingredient from bovine colostrum.$50,000.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition
Tasfoods LimitedDevelop new processing techniques for milk to access new export markets$10,909.00A Global Marketplace
Funding AmountSector Priority
DecemberProgel Pty Ltd,Optimise manufacturing technology for commercialisation of functional ingredients.$75,000.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition
DecemberAustgrainsOptimise specific Wheat varieties for Asian Baking and Noodle Making$60,000.00
A Global Marketplace
Boundary Bend LimitedProduce a polyphenol based functional ingredient from production waste material.$75,000.00Food Security and Sustainability
Sustainable Production Research and TrainingFood Value Chain Mapping - Tasmania$4,900.00Food Security and Sustainability
Institute for Supply Chain and Logistics – Victoria UniversityFood Australia Map: Supply Chain Services Map$10,000.00Food Security and Sustainability
JuneDairy Innovation Australia Limited and Sutton Grange Organic Farm.Develop technical specification for value adding facility for Goat Cheese farming.$15,000.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition
TropicoOptimal extraction of watermelon juice$30,000.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition
Liquorice LandProduce Allergen Free liquorice$12,500.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition
JuneVictoria University- Institute for Supply Chain and LogisticsDevelop based interactive tool for E- commerce Evaluation of industry$68,000.00A Global Marketplace
Australian Wine Research Institute and Dairy Innovation Australia LtdInvestigation of the manufacturing process for production of regional Malolactic fermentation isolates for use in Australian Wine manufacture$17,500.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition
Dairy Innovation Australia Ltd and Jonsey’s Dairy GroupShelf life extension of Milk by microfiltration technologies$15,000.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition
Funding AmountSector Priority
DecemberProgel Pty Ltd,Optimise manufacturing technology for commercialisation of functional ingredients.$75,000.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition
DecemberAustgrainsOptimise specific Wheat varieties for Asian Baking and Noodle Making$60,000.00
A Global Marketplace
Boundary Bend LimitedProduce a polyphenol based functional ingredient from production waste material.$75,000.00Food Security and Sustainability
Sustainable Production Research and TrainingFood Value Chain Mapping - Tasmania$4,900.00Food Security and Sustainability
Institute for Supply Chain and Logistics – Victoria UniversityFood Australia Map: Supply Chain Services Map$10,000.00Food Security and Sustainability
JuneDairy Innovation Australia Limited and Sutton Grange Organic Farm.Develop technical specification for value adding facility for Goat Cheese farming.$15,000.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition
TropicoOptimal extraction of watermelon juice$30,000.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition
Liquorice LandProduce Allergen Free liquorice$12,500.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition
JuneVictoria University- Institute for Supply Chain and LogisticsDevelop based interactive tool for E- commerce Evaluation of industry$68,000.00A Global Marketplace
Australian Wine Research Institute and Dairy Innovation Australia LtdInvestigation of the manufacturing process for production of regional Malolactic fermentation isolates for use in Australian Wine manufacture$17,500.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition
Dairy Innovation Australia Ltd and Jonsey’s Dairy GroupShelf life extension of Milk by microfiltration technologies$15,000.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition
Funding AmountSector Priority
DecemberSpanish Boutique Beverages PtyImprove manufacturing scale of Sangria$32,849.50Enhanced Production and Value Addition
DecemberWild Finger LimesImprove processing and production techniques for Australian Finger Limes.$32,849.50Enhanced Production and Value Addition
Victoria University- Institute for Supply Chain and LogisticsAssess the eCommerce sector in regard to Food Exports and trading.$150,000.00A Global Marketplace
SeptemberGreens General FoodsDevelop Flavour application technologies for use in healthy Popcorn manufacture.$15,000.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition
SeptemberDairy Innovation Australia and Organic Dairy Farmers of AustraliaDevelopment of Buttermilk Products for Domestic and Export Markets$26,500.00A Global Marketplace
The Allergen Bureau LimitedVITAL Online Calculator Development and Implementation$89,700.00Enhanced Production and Value Addition


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information, please read the 
Project Fund FAQs

Project Fund Program

The Project Fund is open to businesses anywhere along the Food and Agribusiness value chain. To find out more, we recommend you read through the eligibility guidelines

ESCP Eligibility & Details

Before you apply, we recommend 

you read the ESCP Eligibility Guide