Brouhaha Brewery | Celebrating Australian Food and Agribusiness Innovations 2020
Brouhaha Brewery operates under an ethos of minimal waste, minimal mileage and minimal intervention. By collaborating with other Sunshine Coast growers and producers, the team has developed a localized circular economy it sees as the logical antidote to the unsustainable production that underlies the fast food consumption being practised on a global scale.
Nothing is overlooked at Brouhaha. Spent grain from the brewery is collected and fed to local wagyu cattle. That same cattle ends up on the table at the Brouhaha restaurant in a custom-designed full nose to tail menu that ensures no part of the animal is wasted. A local baker incorporates brewery byproducts into the restaurant’s signature Brouhaha sourdough and the chefs prioritise local producers on their seasonal menu, ensuring the majority of ingredients are sourced within 20 km of the brewpub.
Other local partnerships have created products from unexpected pairings including gelatos and sorbets with beer as an ingredient and sour beer brews that utilise natural yoghurt cultures. Working with local craft beer tour operators has seen development of a Farm to Fork tour that gives guests a hands-on, behind-the-scenes look at some of these local farms and businesses, culminating in a four-course meal showcasing local produce and, of course, Brouhaha’s craft beers.
Many of the relationships that the Brouhaha team has forged are directly attributable to FAN, an invaluable source of connection, collaboration and growth. The Brouhaha team said partnering keeps the focus on innovation, with fresh ideas and a willingness to ‘give things a go’ a constant driving force and the idea on which its business model is built.
Also through FAN, Brouhaha was introduced to local disability employment service EPIC Assist. That relationship has seen new members added to the Brouhaha team, who quickly proved themselves to be invaluable.
The Brouhaha story is testament to the strength of a collaborative local economy approach, putting regional industry on the map, fostering local employment and showcasing local businesses.