The food and agribusiness opportunity in Tasmania could be worth almost AUD$9.2 billion by 2030 in value-added, resulting in 41,000 jobs

Taken together, the value of the 19 opportunities assessed in this study could be worth AUD9 billion in Tasmania by 2030, in terms of value-added. In perspective, this is over three times the current value-added by the food and agribusiness sector in Tasmania. These opportunities could also create over 41,000 jobs – over 70 per cent higher than the state’s food and agribusiness workforce today. Tasmania ranks sixth among all states and territories in Australia in terms of 2030 opportunities by value-added and jobs created – similar to its ranking on both metrics today. Pre-farm gate opportunities constitute over three-quarters of potential value-added and potential jobs created. Consumption-related opportunities account for around a quarter of the total opportunity in export and domestic markets each, while around half of the total stems from opportunities to improve production standards and supply chain capacity domestically.