We are excited to release the sixth edition of Celebrating Australian Food and Agribusiness Innovations. This edition highlights the importance of backing small-to-medium sized businesses whilst describing their journey of improving access to new markets and customers through innovative new products and services. From seaweed-based snacks to ground-breaking stewardship programs, these stories will encourage all Australian businesses to continue revolutionising and find their niche.
View 50 stories of innovation from businesses, within Australia’s Food and Agribusiness sector, that have received support from FIAL since our formation in 2013.

"With Food and Beverage identified as one of six National Manufacturing Priorities, the sector’s recognition as an Australian sovereign capability is testament to the critical role our manufacturers play in feeding not only Australians, but many others across the world."
Dr Michele Allan
Chair, FIAL

"Each story is unique, capturing the journey of a company in addressing a challenge and how it found solutions or learnings to create impact for its business. We hope you connect with these stories as much as we did in establishing and supporting them in their journey to satisfying achievements."
Dr Mirjana Prica
Managing Director, FIAL
Case Studies
Previous Editions